CE 155 - Signals Example (Home)

This program is a simple demonstration of signals. Signals are like sofware interrupts, that are used to inform a process of the occurence of an event. Programs can be designed to catch a a signal, by providing a function to handle it.

For example, when shutting down a Linux box, the SIGTERM signal is sent to all processes. Processes that catch this signal, can properly terminate (e.g. de-allocate resources, close all open files).

sighandler_t signal(int signum, sighandler_t handler);

The signal() function associates a specific signal identified by signum with the new function specified by handler.

The signal() function can be used to install a handler for specific signals like SIGINT. SIGINT is the signal sent to the program when the user presses Ctrl-C. If the program should not exit when this happens, and should instead do something else, a new handler function must be associated with the SIGINT signal.

There are a number of signals available. In the program below, three signals are caught by the provided signal handler functions.

Try sending signals to this program through the command-line using the kill utility. First run the program in the background:

./signals-ex &

Then try sending a signal, for example:

kill -SIGHUP pid
Try killing the process:
kill pid
What signal does kill send a process by default?

Replace pid with the one the program displays upon startup.

Associating a signal with SIG_IGN will cause the program to ignore the signal. To reset the default signal handler, use SIG_DFL, as the second parameter of signal().

signals-ex.c (download)

/* Includes */
#include <stdio.h>      /* Input/Output */
#include <stdlib.h>     /* General Utilities */
#include <signal.h>     /* Signal handling */

/* This will be our new SIGINT handler.
   SIGINT is generated when user presses Ctrl-C.
   Normally, program will exit with Ctrl-C.
   With our new handler, it won't exit. */
void mysigint()
    printf("I caught the SIGINT signal!\n");

/* Our own SIGKILL handler */
void mysigkill()
    printf("I caught the SIGKILL signal!\n");

/* Our own SIGHUP handler */
void mysighup()
    printf("I caught the SIGHUP signal!\n");

/* Our own SIGTERM handler */
void mysigterm()
    printf("I caught the SIGTERM signal!\n");

int main()
    /* Use the signal() call to associate our own functions with
       the SIGINT, SIGHUP, and SIGTERM signals */
    if (signal(SIGINT, mysigint) == SIG_ERR)
       printf("Cannot handle SIGINT!\n");        
    if (signal(SIGHUP, mysighup) == SIG_ERR)
       printf("Cannot handle SIGHUP!\n");        
    if (signal(SIGTERM, mysigterm) == SIG_ERR)
       printf("Cannot handle SIGTERM!\n");        
    /* can SIGKILL be handled by our own function? */
    if (signal(SIGKILL, mysigkill) == SIG_ERR) 
       printf("Cannot handle SIGKILL!\n");        

    while(1);  /* infinite loop */

    /* exit */  
} /* main() */
